Wednesday, November 28, 2012


     Range management, that's my major. I love it, I live it, I am passionate about it. I am not passionate about school! I feel like its a waste of money. I have to take a bunch of classes, that even my teachers admit, I will most likely never use again. Math, math will be the end of me! Its so frustrating, its not that I don't understand it, I just don't like "busy" work. Math is "busy" work. I spend the majority of all hunting and horse rides identifying plants. If the zombie attack happens just follow me people, follow me. I can show you what plants to eat, and especially what plants not to eat. I don't know why or when I even became so fascinated with plants. I even have to set up my own greenhouse each winter to plant and take care of my plants. I love growing and arranging flowers. This year I'm going to make my own solar energy and see how that goes. Sometimes I wish I could start my own nursery and have a business of my own. But then that SWEET government job calls my name and I find myself longing to be driving around the desert.
This is the look when you tell me I have to go to school for 3 more years. I am pleased to announce however I will be attending BYU. I would love to go to USU however, I can drive to BYU get a better scholarship and Troy keeps his job! Score!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, youll get through it! Thats one of my majors too. Now granted, I did take a little sabatical, but I'm back and committed to finishing. I want to work in Nevada! Mostly because no one else wants to. I got accepted to USU but changed my mind last minute ;) And I agree, when am I going to use Calculus?????
